A new agency in Barcelona Personal Shopper

It seems that finally is emerging in Barcelona a touch of style that this city deserves or those are the intentions.

ornaments & crime personal shopper barcelona

The city of Barcelona can welcome Ornaments&Crime (www.ornamentsandcrime.com), a new agency about Image Consulting and Personal Shopper service offered for the more adddict fashion tourists and for residents, so do not simply wander around the mainstream shopping streets.

In Barcelona there are thousands of shops to be discovered and each person needs to be original and bring their own style.

ornaments crime personal shopper

The range of services is go through a network of professionals who collaborate with the agency and provide a total service (analysis of the figure, event consulting, makeup, hair,personal shopper,  etc.)

ornaments & crime asesoria de imagenBesides from offering a service to visitors to the city, shopping tours and other services also those are in English, Italian, Spanish, Catalan and Japanese.

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The deal is the most personalized, each person is different and therefore requires some specific service, so it’s a detail that the agency always ask to the customer requirements in advance, having everything prepared for your arrival.


shopping tour barcelonaDo not think that a Personal Shopper service is just shopping, which we have seen in several articles, is work on yourself to get your best side and know that choosing clothes each time.

Access to workshops and have a custom dress on the figure itself is as important as choosing the most beneficial glasses or have advice when you have a job interview.

Sometimes you may not have time to buy everything you had planned, so Ornaments&Crime can shop for you and then take you home.

The company motto is to dedicate their time to lend an unique service and a perfect advise to make your life more fun, glamorous and happy.

And you know what’s best for you? Or what would be ideal to attend your next event?

The truth is that having a little done this sector I have been totally amazed at the improvements that can make, only paying attention to tiny details.

Although it seems that even the personal shopper agencies are still a bit discriminated against, considering a unique service for celebrities and the public luxury, it seems that slowly the middle class is beginning to embrace this kind of service that we feel so well worldwide.





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